Your personal data are managed and stored according to our Personal Data Protection Policy. You can be familiar with the Personal Data Protection Policy at:
IIHB Shipping EAD is a Data administrator in accordance with article 4, paragraph 7 and a Data Processor in accordance with article 4, paragraph 8 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
The data that we are processing are those laid down by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the effective legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria.
2. Why do we need to process personal data?
We need your data in order to be able to comply with:
- the requirements of the effective legislation applicable to public companies;
- the requirements of the labour legislation;
- contractual commitments.
3. What do we do with your data?
We may collect your personal data through:
- information provided by you;
- upon submission of documents when applying for work in the Company or a staff recruitment agency;
- declarations, letters of confirmation filled in by you;
- based on our contracts concluded with contractors and any relevant documents;
- central Depository in the form of a Book of Shareholders / Bondholders in an electronic form.
Data is stored and processed at the Company’s office at the following address: Varna 9000, Southern Industrial Zone, Administrative Building "Bulport"
Your personal data may be provided to:
- Financial Supervision Commission, Bulgarian Stock Exchange AD, the public, the Commercial Register at the Registry Agency, and other authorities in accordance with the requirements of the Public Offering of Security Act and the Commercial Act;
- NSSI, NRA, occupational health services and other authorities in accordance with the requirements of the effective labour legislation;
- audit firms;
- actuaries.
4. How long do we store your data?
Your personal data shall be stored in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria or within the prescribed limitation period.
After this period, all documents containing your personal data will be deleted or destroyed by cutting.
5. What are your rights?
If you think your personal data that we are processing is incomplete or incorrect, you can ask to become familiar with them. To do this, contact us by sending a request in the format of the attached template.
You may exercise your rights to update your data, to block their processing or to request to be deleted by referring to the Data Protection Officer at the following email addresses: and, by sending a letter to the following postal address: Varna 9000, Southern Industrial Zone, Administrative Building "Bulport". Your complain will be duly considered and we will contact you to resolve the problem.
Even after that, if you still believe your data has been used incorrectly, according to the law you have the right to address the Commission for Personal Data Protection at the following address: Sofia 1592, 2 Tsvetan Lazarov Boulevard, and email: